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ГЕРБ РБ Герб Осиповичи


Osipovichi Region Executive Committee Osipovichi Region Executive Committee Avenue Of Heroes
Osipovichi Region Executive Committee
Main For an Investor Why Osipovichi district?

Why Osipovichi district?

Attracting investments in the region's economy is associated with a convenient geographical location, a developed network of transport infrastructure, the characteristics and condition of its natural resources.

The Osipovichi district is located in the southwestern part of the Mogilev region, 160 km from the city of Mogilev and 100 km from the city of Minsk, and has an advantageous economic and geographical position with favorable relief and a temperate continental climate.

The significance of the geographical location of the region is due to the intersection of the largest transport corridors in the region, the possibility of developing an integrated service for passenger and cargo flows in road and rail traffic.

The main natural resources of the Osipovichi region, which can serve as a basis for the development of socio-economic potential, include land, forest, water, mineral, and recreational resources.

Investment passport of the Osipovichi district