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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
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10 July 2023

Belarusian government delegation leaves for Russian Yekaterinburg

 A Belarusian government delegation led by Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko has left for the Russian city of Yekaterinburg where it will take part in the international industrial expo Innoprom 2023, BelTA has learned.

Innoprom 2023 is an international platform for looking for new customers, suppliers, partners, and investors. This year's theme is Sustainable Manufacturing: Renewal Strategies. The expo is viewed as a global platform for demonstrating cutting-edge technologies and discussing topical aspects of the modern manufacturing sector. It is the first time Belarus will take part in the expo as a partner country.

The massive manufacturing industry expo will take place in the Yekaterinburg Expo Center in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia on 10-13 July.

The government's press service previously quoted Roman Golovchenko as saying: “It is important for us not to simply demonstrate accomplishments in manufacturing sector, science and technologies but demonstrate all the advantages of manufacturing cooperation and R&D cooperation between Belarusian and Russian enterprises. It has to be done because we face the most important tasks concerning import substitution and the achievement of technological sovereignty.”

Belarus' national exposition will be represented by over 120 enterprises. In particular, the products will be put on display by enterprises operating in industrial production, chemical and petrochemical industries, power engineering industry. Representatives of woodworking industry, furniture manufacturing will also be represented. A number of organizations will showcase their R&D products and technologies. An extensive lineup of vehicles, machines, and equipment will be demonstrated by BelAZ, MAZ, MTZ, Amkodor, Gomselmash, BKM Holding (former Belkommunmash), and other large industrial enterprises.

In particular, organizations run by the Belarusian timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry concern Bellesbumprom will present a lineup of products, including bleached sulfated pulp made of coniferous wood, various kinds of pasteboard and cardboard, wallpaper, samples of sheet materials (particleboards, MDF, plywood), wooden house construction products. The Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim will present capabilities of the industry's largest enterprises – 12 refineries and plants will be represented in one booth.

The collective booth of the Energy Ministry will feature services relating to design and construction of power engineering installations, modern technologies for automation and digitization of manufacturing processes, the latest solutions for training and advanced training of personnel. Visitors will be able to get familiar with the possibilities Belarusian VR simulators offer, learn about advantages of 3D modeling technologies. The innovative projects on display will also include a digital portal for energy industry specialists Doxit, which enables new quality of personnel training and management of corporate knowledge. The exposition will also include the gas equipment made in Belarus.

The State Committee on Science and Technology will organize a collective booth featuring R&D products while the Belarusian Institute for System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere will be the exhibition operator. The collective booth will feature R&D products of organizations run by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, institutions of the Education Ministry and companies residing in the Hi-Tech Park, which will demonstrate 122 R&D products and innovations.

The booth of the Belarusian state light industry concern Bellegprom will occupy 70m2. It will feature products made by 12 light industry enterprises.

The total area occupied by the Republic of Belarus during the industrial expo Innoprom 2023 is 3,093m2 and another 91m2 of outdoor area.

The business component of the Innoprom expo includes over 100 events and 350 speakers. B2B negotiations are supposed to take place during the expo. Participants of the national exposition and foreign partners are expected to sign over 60 documents.

Apart from the extensive national exposition Belarus has put together an impressive cultural program. The fair From the Bottom of the Heart was opened in the shopping and entertainment center Mega in Yekaterinburg on 7 July.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Iran will also arrange collective national expositions during the international expo. As many as 25 collective expositions will be arranged by constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Delegations from Algeria, Ghana, Germany, Egypt, India, China, Nigeria, UAE, Pakistan, Thailand, Türkiye, and Sri Lanka are expected to arrive.

The Belarusian government's press service said that Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko's work schedule also includes a lot of meetings and negotiations. Visits to Sverdlovsk Oblast enterprises have been scheduled.