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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
19 July 2023

Coins for the monument in brest were handed over to the Talai foundation in Mogilev

Solemn transfer of Soviet coins to the charitable foundation. Aleksey Talai , intended for use in the creation of the monument "Living Memory of Grateful Generations" in Brest, took place today in the regional center. The venue for the ceremony was the Museum of the History of Mogilev. The event was attended by military personnel of the Mogilev garrison, representatives of the public organization "Memory of Afghanistan", State Educational Institution "Mogilev Regional Cadet School named after Hero of the Soviet Union Yevgeny Nikolaenko", NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", GUDO "Multi-profile center for working with children and youth "Yunost" in Moscow. Mogilev" and others.

The installation of commemorative signs is one of the projects of the large-scale campaign “Children of Belarus - to veterans and future generations”, initiated by the Charitable Foundation named after. Alexey Talai. The first memorial has already been installed in Minsk, soon a similar monument will appear in Brest, and in 2025 in Moscow. An exceptional feature of this project is the collection of Soviet coins by citizens of our country for the metal alloy of the monument. This will connect the families and future generations of everyone who brought the coins and establish the tradition of bringing their children and grandchildren to the commemorative sign in the future and telling that their family once contributed to preserving the memory of those who brought the day closer in difficult conditions. Victory.

“The collection of Soviet coins is one of the stages of a large-scale project that has been going on for more than a year. Its essence is to install in three cities - Minsk, Brest and Moscow - memorials that are intended to express the memory of today's grateful generations to that generation of winners who gave us a peaceful sky, - said the representative of the Foundation. Alexey Talai in the Mogilev region Vitaly Berezko. – Monumentally, the monument is a soldier's letter, frozen in stone, through which a young tree sprouts, as a symbol of life. It is indeed a symbolic monument. Its peculiarity is that it is folk - everyone can take part in its creation by donating Soviet coins, which will then be melted down and become one of the elements of the memorial. So, having contributed, everyone will feel part of one whole. This idea of ​​​​Aleksey Talai received a huge response from the population. People willingly bring coins, share their stories.

That was the point. Each coin is some kind of family that will remember that they made their contribution. And they will come to this monument and tell this story to their children and grandchildren.”

The direct transfer of the collected coins from the citizens of the Mogilev region was carried out by the deputy military commissar of the Mogilev region, Lieutenant Colonel Maxim Kosenkov and the commander of the 188th Guards Engineering Brigade, Colonel Alexander Tsagoiko .

As Maxim Kosenkov noted, in the current conditions, this event is of particular importance:

“Our neighbors, whom our grandfathers and great-grandfathers once freed from Nazi invaders and brought them peace, today are destroying monuments and trying to erase these moments in history. But in our country everything is happening in a completely different way - we preserve and honor our memory. And it is very pleasant when all people, including representatives of the Armed Forces, are involved in this. This speaks of the continuity of generations. Remembering the heroic deed of our ancestors, the Armed Forces are ready to defend their people, their independence and the territorial integrity of the Republic of Belarus.”

In the charity event of the Aleksey Talai Foundation, the military of the Mogilev region took a direct part.

“Patriotism is an important moment for each of us, because the children we are raising today are our future. And what we are investing in them now depends on both their future fate and the development of the entire state,” he concluded.

Elizaveta Romankova, an eleventh-grader from secondary school No. 40 of Mogilev, made her contribution to the common “piggy bank” :

“Today it is very important to remember what happened. After all, if you forget about the war, then it will certainly return again. Youth activists also took part in the event for the sake of the memory of the past, for the sake of our common future. At home, like many, I still have Soviet coins. And I immediately responded as soon as the collection was announced to contribute to the memory for the future of our country. My grandmother told me that her dad went to the front and went missing. And although we do not know for certain about his exploits, I am sure that everyone who at that time stood up for their homeland made a huge contribution to the common Victory.

I would be glad if I was lucky enough to attend the opening of a memorial sign in Brest, in the alloy of which my coin will now appear.”

One of the participants in the action was a cadet of the regional cadet school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union E. Nikolaenko Kirill Koldobo :

“The Cadets took an active part in collecting coins for the creation of the monument. It is an honor for us, because by preserving the memory of the heroic deed of our people in this way, we leave something significant behind us. My great-great-grandfather was a scout, was wounded on one of the combat missions, was left without legs, but at the same time he lived to the age of 80 with dignity, raised my grandfather, to whom I, in turn, am grateful for my development. Therefore, we are obliged to preserve and honor the history of our country, to remember the heroes who defended our country during the Great Patriotic War. And we, Cadets, swear that the Banner of Victory, handed down by our ancestors to their grateful descendants, will always proudly fly over the expanses of blue-eyed Belarus.”