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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
22 June 2023

Industrial enterprises and educational institutions of the Mogilev region in tandem solve the problem of retaining workers

The plant is in trend

In the system of vocational education, specialists are trained under the order of enterprises, they emphasize in the main education department of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee. This year, more than 1,700 graduates with secondary special education and more than 2,200 with vocational education are subject to distribution in the institutions of secondary specialized education of the region, as well as being sent to work under targeted contracts. Now the task at the local level is to retain these young cadres.

Valery Tolostikhin, Deputy Head of the Main Department for Education of the Regional Executive Committee, believes that, given the demographic situation and competition with private employers, today it is necessary to invest in young specialists:

- Some enterprises take a dependent position: you churn out personnel for us, the law prescribes mandatory working off. But it is still necessary to make efforts to secure specialists. No one can force a young ambitious person not to choose where it is better.

To lay down the admission targets, the projected needs for qualified personnel for all sectors of the economy are taken into account, says Valery Tolostikhin. All enterprises submit applications to the automated system "Government Order and Acceptance". There are methods for calculating needs forecasting, the personnel department should see the development path.

A successful model of partnership between an educational institution and a customer of personnel is the tandem of the Bobruisk State College of Mechanics and Technology and the Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Assemblies.

“Before placing an order in the automated system, in August we calculate the need for personnel for each year with each enterprise,” explains Alla Nasanovich, deputy director for educational and production work of the college. - The college trains personnel for three factories in Bobruisk. We create such integration of specialties so that the worker is like a universal soldier. Long before the first modernized line of automated machine tools was installed at the Tractor Parts and Assemblies Plant, we produced a group of specialists.

Bobruisk College began to conduct a survey among those who, after serving in the army, quit of their own free will. What did you find out? 60 percent of the guys remain under contract in the Armed Forces of Belarus, 20 percent change their profession, a considerable percentage quit due to the move. At the same time, there was not a single complaint about poor working conditions at the factories.

“In April, we graduated from the level of secondary specialized education: out of 93 graduates who were supposed to reach the customer of personnel, 10 went to serve under a contract, 17 were drafted,” Alla Nasanovich cites the numbers. - Perhaps it is worth returning to the system of military schools, police schools for training the junior staff of the army, so that young people make their professional choice without wasting their time and state funds on training in a specialty in which they will not work?

A young specialist of the Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Assemblies, Ivan Rukha, believes that the worker with the most competencies wins in the labor market today:

- I looked closely at the plant in practice, I decided that I would be distributed here. The most prestigious vacancy is the operator of machine tools with program control. Just the day before, modernization took place in the workshop. I had to go through retraining, but qualifications are a salary.

Experienced mentors who are assigned to recruits receive a pay raise if their students advance in rank.

One-time financial assistance, places in a family dormitory, the priority right to be included in housing construction cooperatives, tours, chats in instant messengers with young specialists to quickly solve problems - the plant management believes that today it is necessary to take into account fierce competition in the labor market in their development strategy .

We get acquainted with young specialists at the Mogilev Metallurgical Plant. Evgeny Dremukhov is a smelter of metals and alloys. You can’t say that a guy of a heroic physique is only 19. Such people don’t run away from work: of all the vacancies, he says, he chose the most brutal:

- I load the metal into the furnace, where the temperature is 1400 degrees. He first learned to be a plasterer-tiler, but the salary did not suit him. My mother and many acquaintances worked at the factory for whole dynasties. He came, walked around the shops, talked with the workers and chose a foundry. In general, I love physical activity, I do boxing and hand-to-hand combat. The salary is much higher than at the previous job. I am responsible for starting a family.

There are now five university students in the department of foreign economic relations of the Mogilev Metallurgical Plant, who, after receiving a diploma, plan to be distributed here. Anna Denisevich is engaged in the export promotion of products that are produced in the foundry. The girl is fluent in English, studying at the Faculty of Economics and Law, she chose the plant herself as a promising place for a career:

- My mother is an economist at the enterprise. I was hired without a diploma, gaining experience. I have exams soon, and I will come here already as a young specialist. Now I communicate with Chinese companies by phone, they buy iron shot from us.

Anna talks about the prospects of working at the plant from the point of view of an economist:

— Over the past two years, the company's economic indicators have improved. Because of the sanctions, we have reoriented deliveries to Russia with more profitable logistics. Former European partners are calling, they are interested in our products, but they still cannot find delivery methods. I now want to get a certificate of knowledge of English. Today, these are the conditions on the labor market: you need to improve your skills ahead of the curve.


— Belarus is the only country in the post-Soviet space where so much attention is paid to vocational education. Today, the former republics of the Soviet Union are asking us to help them train personnel in working specialties, since the system that they had during the Soviet Union has been destroyed.

Alexander LUKASHENKO at a meeting with the President of the international non-profit association WorldSkills International Simon Bartley, May 17, 2016.