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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
10 August 2023

Kostyukovichi agricultural enterprises actively took up the construction of livestock facilities

The number of cattle is gradually growing in our region. And in order to accommodate new "tenants", create more comfortable conditions for them and reduce the mortality of young animals, additional living space is required.

According to the first deputy chairman of the district executive committee - head of the department for agriculture and food Alexander Omelchenko, at present, construction work on the construction of livestock facilities is being carried out simultaneously at three enterprises - KSUP "Moshevoe Agro", KSUP "Belaya Dubrova" and in branch No. 1 "Tsemagro » OJSC Belarusian Cement Plant.

"Moshevoye Agro"

This farm, although not at the forefront in terms of milk yield and weight gain, but, according to Alexander Omelchenko , can improve the situation for the better. And there is already a trend towards this. The first step has been taken: a dispensary for newborn calves is being built on the farm in Moshevoy in order to reduce the mortality of young animals.

“We are already operating a dispensary for 27 places,” says Sergey Kravchenko , director of KSUE Moshevoe Agro, at a meeting . - Since there are not enough places, we decided to expand this facility and start building it up.

According to Sergey Aleksandrovich, eventually the dispensary will be designed for 42 calves aged from 0 to 3 months. The leader plans to build the same "kindergarten" on a farm in Pan-Bud.

It is not yet a year since Sergey Kravchenko was put at the helm of this enterprise after his work as chief engineer at Samotevichi Agro CUUE. With the naked eye you can see how the young leader is trying. Maybe not everything works out right away, but the seriousness of the intentions is felt.

- A large percentage of the death of cattle falls on newborns. And therefore it is important to comply with all measures for maintenance and feeding, - Sergey Alexandrovich is sure. - In the dispensary, the calves are in individual houses, where feeders for feed and drinkers are provided, there are no drafts, but there is a possibility of ventilation. Such maintenance of young animals allows us to provide technological and sanitary standards. Here, calves can stay not only in summer, but also all year round - everything is thought out.

The dispensary is being built at the expense of own funds of KSUP "Moshevoe Agro". The leskhoz helped with lumber, and the Belarusian Cement Plant helped with cement for pouring the concrete floor.


More cows - more milk and meat. Such simple arithmetic underlies the development of animal husbandry. It is successfully used in branch No. 1 "Tsemagro" of JSC "BTsZ", where work is actively carried out to increase the number of cattle. That is why new sheds are needed. The management of the Belarusian Cement Plant, by investing in agribusiness, increases the profitability of animal husbandry. Now we have taken up the reconstruction of another workshop at the Vyazovets farm and the construction of a shed for bulls in the open area of ​​the MTF Nizki.

In Vyazovets, a large construction project began a year ago, when the first workshop for rearing cattle for 400 heads was reconstructed. And now it's the second one. The modernization will not affect the supporting structure, but the roof, window openings, drainage, manure removal, and the feeder are to be replaced.

“Here, unlike the old shop, there will be free keeping of heifers,” explains Tatiana Stepanenko, deputy director for animal husbandry of branch No. 1 of Tsemagro . - Designed for 350 heads for growing - from 150 to 300 kg.

According to Tatyana Stepanenko, a lot of emphasis is now being placed on the loose housing of cattle, which allows animals to move freely within the hall or walking area. Due to the elimination of some manual operations, the labor intensity of production is reduced by about half.

Repair work is carried out by the builders of branch No. 3 "Tsemstroyremont" of the Belarusian Cement Company. Construction began at the beginning of summer, and the commissioning of the facility was scheduled for the end of the year.

Young cadres work together with experienced builders. Kirill and Nikita came to Tsemstroyremont after graduating from the Kostyukovichi Professional College.

- This is our very first object, we get, so to speak, a baptism of fire, - the guys smile.

A large barn will soon turn into a modern workshop.

“There used to be bulls in this barn, but now there will be heifers free-range,” says Alexander Butolin, foreman of the Vyazovets farm. – Therefore, everything will change: there will be four areas for the free range of animals.

In addition to the reconstruction of the workshop, a house for livestock breeders will be built with all amenities - a bathroom and a shower.

At the dairy farm in Nizky, work is also in full swing: a shed is being built to keep bulls in an open area. The idea of ​​a canopy was borrowed by the director of branch No. 1 of Tsemagro Alexander Chernetsky from the Dobrovolets state farm in the Klichevsky district, where he visited. We decided to bring it to life. Moreover, there is really not enough cattle places, and crowded content does not give the proper weight gain. As of August 1, the enterprise has 8012 heads of cattle.

As the head of our state says, by 2030 we must keep livestock in well-maintained technological livestock complexes, where conditions have been created for both animals (to comply with the technology, milking, and maintenance), and for the livestock breeders who work here.

The Belaya Dubrova agricultural enterprise is also building a dispensary for newborn calves.