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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
6 July 2023

Lukashenko: Belarus is taking tit-for-tat measures to protect its sovereignty

Belarus is taking tit-for-tat measures to protect its sovereignty, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony to honor graduates of higher military educational institutions in Minsk on 5 July, BelTA has learned.

The head of state called today's situation difficult. The post-war world order based on international law did not always work, and has finally collapsed. Geopolitical tensions have entered a hot phase. “Against this background, the neighboring countries are increasing their military spending, purchasing offensive weapons for their armies, building up NATO presence on their territories, conducting endless exercises near our border. They are coming up with more and more ways to interfere in the internal affairs of our country using far-fetched pretexts,” the Belarusian leader said.

“In addition to economic, political and information pressure, today we are faced with provocations at our external border, attempts at terrorist activities inside the country that are orchestrated from outside,” the president said.

He underlined that Belarus adequately responds to all these moves and continues to improve its national security system, first of all, military security.

“These are tit-for-tat measures to protect the sovereignty of our state. There will be neither peace nor Belarusian nation without sovereignty. In our history, we have gone through this more than once,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Speaking about the military, the president noted that no matter how powerful technical capabilities are, they will not give an advantage if the country has no professional warriors devoted to their native land and people: “The war in Ukraine clearly demonstrates this. The military play a decisive role in strengthening the defense capability of the country, protecting its nationals. Officers are at the heart of it.”

The graduates will work in military units and military command and control bodies. “It won't be easy. Officers' work is always fraught with difficulties, hardships and certain restrictions. We all know this very well,” the president noted.

Addressing the officers, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that, having chosen the military career, they made a noble decision as they took responsibility for peace and security in their native land, especially at the present time.

“I understand the military very well. We have to serve the Motherland, protect this land while other people are having good time. This is our destiny,” the head of state said. “You have to efficiently address complex and important tasks to improve combat and mobilization readiness, ensure the highest level of training and coordination of military command and control bodies and troops, teach subordinates modern combat methods. I am convinced that you will be up to the task and will maintain peace and security in Belarus.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko presented commendation letters from the president of Belarus to the graduates of higher military educational institutions who demonstrated excellent academic achievements and exemplary performance of military duty.

In conclusion, the head of state once again congratulated the graduates on this happy day that marked the completion of another difficult stage in life: “Officer service is always difficult, but, in my opinion, study is the most difficult period of all.”

“Our generation has had a hard time. I sometimes recall the words of our compatriots who say: “It was easier at the front because you see the enemy's face.” We don't see our enemy's face, although we clearly established their whereabouts. In this type of war the enemy's face cannot be seen,” the president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he is very closely watching the hostilities in Ukraine: “Drones, counter-battery combat. I asked an artilleryman: “Do you know how to conduct a counter-battery war?” - “I do.” This is vital. The military who are fighting in Ukraine told me that one cannot do without it. Unmanned aerial vehicles have come to play a crucial role in modern warfare. And many other things. You probably already know this well.”

According to the president, even though the formal study is over, the military will have to continue to study every day. “Life teaches us new lessons in the air and on the ground,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that he highly appreciates the profession of an officer: “If a man puts on an officer's uniform, he must be a real man and protect his Motherland, which is now in our hands. Be worthy of your land!”

The president recalled his recent statements about territorial defense, the people's militia: “There is only one demand: protect yourself and your family.”

“And the task for us [the professional military] is to defend the Motherland. We, the military, will defend the Motherland! I wish you health and many successes!” said the head of state.