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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
28 February 2023

Mogilev libraries will hold an open day on march 1

An open day in online and offline formats will be held by Mogilev libraries on March 1 . Elena Shepeleva, Head of the Department of Marketing and Socio-Cultural Activities of the Centralized System of State Public Libraries of Mogilev, announced this .

On this day, presentations of new projects, promotions, interactive tours, games and quests, master classes and much more will be organized for all regular readers and library guests.

The cycle of events on this day will be opened by the Book FanArt action, which will take place on the Instagram account of Mogilev libraries. There will be a book box draw.

in the central city library. K. Marx will improvise "It's definitely me!", And in the library-branch No. 2 named after. I. Shamyakin, an interactive game "Battle of wits and ingenuity" will take place. In addition, everyone will have the opportunity to visit the Youth Environment art area, which is organized in the branch library No. I. Shamyakina. There will also be interactive exhibitions, literature reviews, book sales and themed photo zones.

The grand opening of the international campaign "Tambov and Mogilev read together" will be held in the branch library No. M. Lermontov, where you can get acquainted with the work of the Tambov writer Elena Boroda .

A literary portal will be launched on the official website of the Centralized System of State Public Libraries. And for those who will not be able to visit the theme day, they organize various events on social networks.

The full program of the open day can be found on the institution's website