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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
23 February 2023

More than 500 participants gathered a regional gathering of young patriots in Mogilev

The start of the youth movement "Young Patriots of Mogilev Region" was given today in the regional center of creativity . More than 500 children from all over the region took part in the festive event: students of military-patriotic clubs, military-patriotic interest associations, students of the regional cadet school.

Welcoming the children gathered in the hall, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Valery Malashko emphasized that this event was only the beginning of a large-scale event:

“Today we are at the origins of the formation of an important movement of young patriots of the Mogilev region. We are laying its foundation and we are sure that it will unite young like-minded people who love their Motherland, who are ready to learn and develop for the good of their country.

Over five dozen clubs created in each district of the region are united by one goal. This is the seed that will grow. The clubs have accumulated a mass movement of young people who are not indifferent to the fate of their region. Who will compare their biography with the life experience of their parents, their ancestors, and this will be in tune with the main political line that is being pursued in our state. In the Year of Peace and Creation, such a large-scale accession is symbolic; it will provide the necessary synergy for the whole society.

It is very important to know and love the history of your region. To understand who we are, who our ancestors are, what they bequeathed to us. Thanks to this, we will be able to objectively assess our past, understand the present and look into the future.

We have much to be proud of. You are already doing a lot to prove your knowledge in practice. Being pupils of military-patriotic clubs, you take an active part in competitions and promotions, implement the regional project “#Maya_Zyamlya_Prydnyaproўe”.

Today, in a solemn atmosphere, you make a promise to be faithful, devoted and sensitive. And we adults hope that these words will guide you in building your future.”

Among the participants of the rally is a student of secondary school No. 12 in Mogilev Ruslan Martynenko . The ninth-grader said that he always dreamed of becoming a military man, so he specially moved to this school since September last year when he heard about the creation of a military-patriotic class here:

“I do not regret my choice. I like discipline, uniform, drill, hand-to-hand combat, history lessons. It is interesting to participate in city thematic events. I am considering for myself admission to one of the capital's universities in the direction of "military engineering training" or to our Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I want to defend my homeland."

Representatives of the military-patriotic club "Vityaz" from the Krasnopol district gymnasium also came to the celebration. The head of military-patriotic education Leonid Syromolotov said that the classes are attended by children in grades 8-9 and they are not limited to obtaining theoretical knowledge on civil-patriotic and military-patriotic education: “We help labor veterans, participate in city and regional events, cooperate with authorities internal affairs. We negotiate with the District Department of Internal Affairs, ROChS, military registration and enlistment offices and visit them both with study tours and for the purpose of career guidance, we invite them to our place. The guys willingly, with interest respond to all initiatives, show themselves.

As the rally showed, not only boys are interested in the military-patriotic theme, many girls are among its participants. So, following the example of her older brother, a tenth-grader of secondary school No. 27 of the city of Bobruisk became interested in military affairs Angelina Lysenko : “My brother is a military man, and when they came to ours from another school to talk about such an opportunity, I made the decision to study there without hesitation. I really like it - everything is interesting, I have never regretted it. We visit the military unit, pre-conscription training classes, participate in various events. I will choose my future profession in this direction.”

For the participants of the event that day there was also a career-guidance interactive exhibition with the participation of military units and formations, departments of internal affairs bodies, emergency situations bodies and departments, district military commissariats, military commandant's office, etc.

“Patriotism is not just one word, it is respect and love for the Motherland, preservation of historical memory, active citizenship and law-abidingness, among other things,” said Andrey Volkov, Deputy Regional Prosecutor . - The exhibition demonstrates the capabilities that power structures have. Some of the guys, having familiarized themselves with it today, will want to get an appropriate education, a profession in the future. For each child, the exhibition is of its own interest, and some of them will help to decide on the choice of their future life path.”

In addition, within the framework of the rally, the winners of the regional project “Stepping into the Future, Remember the Past” were awarded, as well as a concert of amateur performances and demonstration performances.