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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
26 July 2023

Being a firefighter is the choice and fate of Vitaly Lenkov

In ordinary life, it is difficult to single out Vitaly Lenkov from Belynich in society: a modest, hardworking person, an exemplary husband and father ...

But at work, Vitaly Mikhailovich is completely different: collected, serious, fit, ready to perform any task. He served in the ROChS for 25 years and now holds the position of senior instructor-rescuer of PASP No. 11 in the agricultural town of Bolshaya Moshchanitsa.

“From an early age I dreamed of being a driver,” says Vitaly Lenkov. - Probably, all the boys of my age dreamed about it. In addition, I was very friendly with sports, I just adored football. Yes, and now I watch with enthusiasm the games of the football clubs Barcelona and Dinamo-Minsk, and also “cheer” for our guys and my colleagues from the Drut football team. They are showing a great game this season!

However, life has made its own adjustments to Vitaly Mikhailovich's childhood dreams. After school, he trained as a car mechanic and a truck driver at the then vocational school-217, served in the army in the border troops, and when it came time to decide on a future job, one of his acquaintances said casually: “Why don't you become a fireman? This profession would be perfect for you!” Yesterday's border guard gladly agreed. I studied for a month at the training center at PASC No. 2 in Mogilev, and then entered the service at PASC No. 1 of the regional center.

- Departure to the first fire is probably remembered by everyone without exception, - says Vitaly Mikhailovich . - We extinguished an apartment on the 9th floor of a high-rise building. The fire spread in a matter of minutes, the burning temperature was so strong that considerable efforts had to be made to supply water to extinguish the fire. I also remember an interesting case when we went on a call to the Mogilev ice cream factory. In addition to the direct performance of official duties, they saw how a delicacy loved since childhood is made and, of course, as a token of gratitude for the work, we were treated to delicious ice cream.

In 2000, Vitaly Lenkov joined the Moshchanitsky PASP No. 11. Although the fire station is rural, the rescuers have enough work. The Mogilev-Minsk highway of republican significance passes near the agro-town, so there are frequent trips to eliminate road accidents.

In Bolshaya Moschanitsa, Vitaly Mikhailovich also had a fateful meeting with his future wife. Now with his wife Victoria they are raising three sons: Maxim, Vova and Misha. All the boys are very proud of the fact that their father is serving as a lifeguard, and the youngest Misha, at the age of four, is already dreaming of continuing the family dynasty. The head of the family is not at all opposed to children learning his profession in the future, but he says about himself that now he cannot imagine his life in another area. Vitaly Lenkov was repeatedly noted by the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus, the Mogilev Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the ROChS for exemplary performance of his duties, he was awarded the medal "For Impeccable Service" of the 3rd degree.