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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
12 June 2023

Only people with a serious worldview and a very clear civic position should join the party - Irina Rusakovich

The Leninsky regional organization of Bobruisk RPO "Belaya Rus", headed by Irina Rusakovich, is one of the most active in the region. And recently, Irina Alexandrovna was elected deputy chairman of the Leninsky district branch of Bobruisk of the Belarusian party "Belaya Rus".

Where does the Motherland begin?

— Irina Alexandrovna, both at your main job and in the public organization, you pay a lot of attention to issues related to children and youth. How, in your opinion, can you grow up real patriots of your homeland?

— Let's remember the words of the President: only a patriot can bring up a patriot. You better not say. And when we met with Natalya Ivanovna Kochanova and I expressed the opinion that a patriot should be brought up from kindergarten, she added: “It’s better to start from the maternity hospital.” Therefore, we carry out all kinds of promotions starting from the maternity hospital. When we visit mothers of newborns and see their happy faces, we are convinced that most of them know well what Belaya Rus is, they treat the organization with confidence. And that is what patriotism is all about.

We recently held a campaign dedicated to the Great Victory at a boarding school for children with hearing impairments. For the first time we went to the younger, "kindergarten" group. And we were convinced that even such kids know what the Motherland is, they are proud of it.

How and why did you choose your profession?

- As a child, I wanted to be an investigator, I watched a lot of films about how good wins, and dreamed of being like their goodies. But then a friend of my parents - a doctor - recommended that I opt for the profession of a pharmacist, and I followed her advice. She knew the profile subjects well, she entered the institute the first time. And I don't regret my choice. Later she received a second education - pedagogical, for many years she taught students of pharmacology at our medical college. Now I teach Latin, and also give lectures to students of advanced training courses. I instill in the younger generation a love for the profession.

- You are engaged in providing the population with medicines and medical products. Has the pressure of sanctions somehow affected this area?

- Today, the range of pharmacies - up to six thousand drugs. Even if a situation arises that in some pharmacy or even in the whole city there is no certain medicine, the issue is quickly resolved: the prescription is left in the pharmacy for deferred service. Within five days we will definitely find the drug - we are looking for it in all regions of the country.

Yes, recently, some people were afraid that under the conditions of sanctions, some groups of medicines might leave the Belarusian market. But our President is a far-sighted person, 15-17 years ago he spoke about import substitution, and an appropriate strategy was developed.

At the same time, the Head of State recently set the task: import substitution should be for all groups of drugs, one hundred percent, and today we have about 60 percent. But relations with those countries that continue to supply us with medicines may develop differently in the future, and we must be ready for anything.

win together

How long have you been doing social work?

“I was class president at school. At the institute, when we went for potatoes, within the framework of the Komsomol competition, I, a city dweller, became the leader in the individual classification in harvesting potatoes. They even wrote about this in one of the Vitebsk newspapers, and for this I was given a place in a hostel. But, in general, I like working in a team more - in my student years, we Komsomol members participated in various rallies, helped children and the elderly. They also took patronage over foreign students who studied at our institute. Personally, I helped foreigners study inorganic chemistry, my classmates pulled them up in other subjects. Together it is easier to overcome adversity and take high standards.

- On the territory of the Leninsky district of Bobruisk, in almost every work collective there are primary organizations of the NGO "Belaya Rus". New people, including young people, are constantly joining the organization you lead, what is the secret of such popularity?

“To find out what an organization does, you need to see the leader. Our country is known throughout the world precisely because of the authority and popularity of the President. So we, leaders of different levels, must follow the example of the Head of State in everything. I always participate in all our promotions. I really like to communicate with young people: the new generation looks at many things differently, is more sociable, and is not afraid to make mistakes. There are many youth groups in our district, mostly college students. There are also many young people at work: they come with questions, initiatives. People see our actions and join.

time tested

— Tell us about the most significant projects implemented by the organization you lead. I know that other regions of the country have joined some of the actions initiated by you personally, and the Victory Carnation project has become international this year.

- I consider the project “Memory in Our Hearts” to be the most striking - this is not only a site where everyone can tell about their relatives who brought the Victories closer at the front, at the rear. As part of this project, we visited iconic places: Khatyn, the Brest Fortress, the homeland of the President, the Trostenets memorial complex, the Mound of Glory and others.

The Victory Carnation project, a dictation dedicated to the heroic feat of the people, is our brainchild, which is gaining more and more space: other regions of our country, Russia, Kazakhstan. Now even older people come to our organization and ask: why is this dictation written only by young people? Why are we pensioners not invited to take part? It is possible that soon not only residents of different countries, but also people of different ages will join us.


Why is it necessary to create the Belaya Rus party and how do you imagine its future role in the life of society?

— Leaders appeared in the country who can take part in building statehood. They have a serious worldview, a clear civic position. The party will take an active part in the elections.

I myself am going to enter the Academy of Public Administration under the President to become a professional ideologist. I plan to engage in this area in the party, to work with the youth.

Irina Rusakovich was born in Bobruisk. She graduated from the Vitebsk State Medical Institute, and now she is the head of pharmacy No. 127/8 of the first category in her hometown. For conscientious work she was awarded with Certificates of Honor of the Ministry of Health, Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belpharmacia", the badge "Excellent Health Worker of the Republic of Belarus".