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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
7 April 2023

Regional competition on art painting among students will be held in Мogilev

The regional art painting competition among young students will be held today in Mogilev. This was told by the methodologist of the art education department of the Mogilev regional center of creativity Natalya Filimonova .

The event will bring together about 20 participants from all over the region - the winners of the city and district stages. The competition will be held in two age categories (10-12 and 13-16 years old) and three nominations: painting on fabric, wood and glass. Among the contestants are students of institutions of general secondary and additional education for children and youth.

The participants are given 3 hours to complete the work, after which the competitive project will need to be presented to the jury members. Each contestant will come with a pre-prepared sketch. Works that will reflect and popularize Belarusian folk traditions, as well as present their modern interpretation are welcome. Five best participants, winners of the regional competition, will represent the region at the level of the republic.

According to Natalia Filimonova, the competition is aimed at patriotic and spiritual and moral education of students through familiarization with the values ​​of the Belarusian cultural heritage and the study of regional folk traditions. Such events develop the creative abilities of students through arts and crafts, as well as identify and support talented youth.