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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
19 June 2023

The implementation of the Directive of the President of Belarus No. 1 was discussed at a meeting of the Presidium of the Regional Committee of the Trade Union

The meeting of the Presidium of the Regional Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Workers of Local Industry and Public Utilities was held in Mogilev.

The main issue on the agenda was the question “On the implementation of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 1 “On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline”, work on the prevention of industrial injuries at the enterprises of the regional trade union organization”.

- The regional organization of the branch trade union carries out work in this direction in close cooperation with the main department of housing and communal services of the Mogilev regional executive committee and the State Association "Housing and communal services of the Mogilev region", - said the chairman of the regional organization Pavel Zhuikov. - The issues of improving and increasing the efficiency of public control over compliance with labor protection legislation, the circumstances and causes of industrial injuries are constantly in the focus of our joint work.

So, in January of this year, a videoconference was held on labor protection issues, in February - an exit seminar-meeting of trade union activists on this topic in Bobruisk. In March, an inter-district practical seminar on the implementation of labor protection legislation was held on the basis of the Klimovichi UKP Kommunalnik, and an industry seminar on labor protection issues was held on the basis of the Thermal Power Plant of Bobruisk as part of the Unified Day for the Prevention of Occupational Injuries. In April, events were held to coincide with the World Day of Occupational Safety and Health and Zero Injury Week, announced by the regional executive committee. In May, chief engineers, labor protection specialists and chairmen of primary trade union organizations of enterprises that committed violations in the field of labor protection, as well as in the organization and implementation of public control for such violations.

The chief technical labor inspector of the regional organization of the trade union, Pavel Kravchinsky, conducted 5 inspections and nearly 40 monitorings of compliance with labor protection legislation in organizations, as a result of which the managers were issued recommendations and recommendations to eliminate 549 violations, and public labor protection inspectors were trained in organizations of Krichevsky, Bobruisk, Klichevsky, Chaussky and Bykhovsky districts.

For 5 months of the current year, industry organizations in the Mogilev region did not have fatal accidents related to production (for the same period in 2022 there was 1 fatality), the number of serious accidents remained at the level of the previous year: 2 against 2.

- Any accident should be analyzed in detail, - Pavel Zhuikov emphasized. - After all, it is important not so much to identify the culprit, but to understand the prerequisites and causes of the incident of injury and take all possible measures to prevent its recurrence.

During the meeting of the Presidium of the regional committee of the trade union, issues of legal education of citizens were also considered, the work plans of the regional committee of the trade union, the main legal and technical labor inspectors for the second half of 2023 were approved, resolutions were adopted on hiring the newly created primary trade union organization, providing material assistance, awarding and other.